
Town cheers injured Marine’s Ride Across America


The journey that retired Marine Sgt. Toran Gaal began Monday morning on his hand-propelled, recumbent bicycle is the next step in a life transition that started on the battlefield of Afghanistan in 2011.

“I thought war would help me grow, and it has, but in different ways,” said Gaal, a 28-year-old double amputee. “I have a family and am blessed to be in the situation I am today. I have a voice and I want people to know there are no limitations in life.”

On Monday, Gaal departed Seaport Village on his bike and began a 65-day journey across the United States. He will visit 52 cities and towns. On his first day he visited Escondido (where he now lives), came through Ramona, and ended in Julian.

During his travel through Ramona he stopped in the parking lot of Big 5 Sporting Goods for a break and hydration, assisted by Ramona Fire Department/Cal Fire, and at Ramona Cafe. As he rode through Old Town, residents lined Main Street holding U.S. flags provided by Ramona Rotary Club.

He plans on traveling an average of 70 to 80 miles during each segment of his trip, with some rest days factored in.

Gaal was severely injured during his third tour of duty on June 26, 2011, when he lost his right leg at the hip and his left leg above the knee in an IED blast. The explosion also broke his pelvis and fractured his skull. At the time of his injury, Gaal was serving as a corporal infantry rifleman in Charlie Company with the 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division based out of Camp Pendleton.

Years of hospitalization and rehabilitation have brought Gaal to where he is today, and to where he will be going this summer.

His ride is chronicled on the web at, and will benefit the Semper Fi Fund for wounded Marines.

Throughout the excursion, Gaal will be trailed by fellow Marine vet Brian Riley, himself an amputee, also injured in 2011. Riley will follow close behind Gaal’s low-to-the-ground bicycle in a support truck with flashing lights and warning signs.

“In the military, no matter what obstacles we have to face, no matter what fear has been in front of us, we’ve been trained to face that fear,” Gaal said. “I’ve been on multiple deployments, one to Iraq, two in Afghanistan. I’ve seen a lot of combat. But this is by far going to be the most exhilarating feeling I’ve ever had — riding my bike across America and trying to inspire others.”

Gaal said the real heroes of today are those Vietnam vets whose experiences made things better for today’s returning soldiers.

“They paved the way for us medically and how we were treated when we got home,” Gaal said. “I want to thank them for everything they have endured.”

Gaal’s final stop will be in Arlington, Va., where he will visit the national cemetery and the Iwo Jima Memorial.

As one might expect, going uphill is the toughest part for any bicycle rider, especially one without legs. And there are a lot of hills and mountains between San Diego and Virginia.

“Going uphill is slow and painful,” he said. “Going downhill is fun.”

Added fiancee Lisa Graves: “No matter how big he grows the muscles in his arms they’ll never be as big or as strong as a quad muscle.”

Many sponsors have stepped forward, organized mainly by Graves, without whose efforts Gaal says the ride would never have happened.

Graves is, of course, concerned about Gaal’s trip. Almost all of the roads he will be traveling will be narrow with slight or no shoulders. The bike is low to the ground and hard to see.

“It worries me all the time,” she said.

Gaal’s Ride Across America began as just a fleeting thought in 2014. He said it was only last year that he began to approach life with a new, far more positive attitude and that began with basketball.

A former high school and college basketball star at the University of Dayton, Gaal became coach of his daughter’s second- and third-grade basketball teams in the Escondido Police Athletic League.

“Adaptive life is just as normal as anybody else’s life,” he said. “That set home for me about a year ago. When I’m coaching the kids look at me normally. I think that’s been a big piece to my current and continued success. I’m treated normal and I’m expected to have normal responsibilities. That helps me grow.”

Gaal admits he doesn’t like his situation, “but it’s helping me grow as a man.”

Escondido Police Lt. Al Owens has been working closely with Gaal.

“He told me he never thought he’d step on a court again,” Owens said. “But he said working with the kids kind of brought him back to life.”

Owens said Gaal has been a big, positive influence on the kids and has a great sense of humor, joking all the time.

“At first we were being super nice to him, but we give it back to him now,” Owens said.

Gaal’s goal is to be back in Escondido by Aug. 8, in time for the athletic league’s annual basketball game that pits police officers and firefighters against local teens.

“Going through what I went through, and to see there are people that actively want to be involved in events like this, really makes me stop and get emotional about it all,” Gaal said.

“The fact that Lisa has done so much for this ride... it just doesn’t happen without so much support, and sponsorship, and her.”


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