

Editorial: Exercise your right to vote


Even though it’s just a primary election, there are several propositions which will or won’t implement change. Also to be decided are which candidates will face off in November who will ultimately decide the direction of our state for the next four years. Bigger government, less government, more taxes, less taxes, reduced spending, provide more jobs, tighter immigration controls are all campaign buzz words. And now after all of the advertising, debates and town hall meetings, the time to vote is here. Major changes are needed for California to pull itself out of a multi-billion dollar deficit along with San Diego County that needs a solid plan for its future growth as well.

The dictionary defines a vote as: “A formal expression of preference for a candidate for office or a proposed resolution of an issue; a means by which such a preference is made known.” The only way to effect change is to exercise your right to vote for a change. Voter participation averages around 54 percent for most elections (71 percent for the presidential election in 2008). This means that those who don’t vote could have decided most all of the elections.

Do people not vote because they feel it doesn’t matter what the outcome is, their lives aren’t going to change for the better? If you look at recent history, there’s a good argument that they are right. Career politicians are more concerned about staying in office than taking a stand on an issue and making a change. More and more candidates are millionaires who use their own money and power to get themselves into office. Is this good or bad?

The democratic system can still work; the masses are demanding more accountability. Take time to know the issues, learn about the candidates and how they stand in regard to the issues, study the propositions, make your vote an educated one and then hold the politicians accountable.
